What people say about Art Giser and Energetic NLP
“Art is a master in the art of the possible.
And what’s possible will exceed your wildest expectations.
So don’t delay: sign up now.”
“Art Giser’s work powerfully combines NLP and energy utilization. He guides the individual to new levels of awareness that create a pathway to deeper connections with the instinctual self”
The Experts Rave About Energetic NLP and Art Giser

“Art is a pleasure to work with. His humility, sense of humor and authenticity brings out the best in each participant. I am extremely honored and grateful to have learnt so much in four days. This was exactly the right course to take
“Many personal development trainings claim to be transformational, but Art Giser is the real deal. I know this will continue to benefit me personally, and take my work with my clients to a completely new level.”
With over 39 years of experience in and study of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), science, intuition development, spiritual principles, and energetic and spiritual healing.

Debbi Dachinger, award-winning host of the Dare to Dream Podcast
What people are saying about Art Giser and Energetic NLP
“Isabel and I are excited about the training you are developing. We think that working in the human energy field is the next great breakthrough in NLP.” Roger Bailey, Developer of the Lab Profil
“Art is a superb and gifted trainer, one of the best. He combines warmth and humor with exceptional clarity, and is absolutely committed to his participants achieving their goals.” Leslie Cameron-Bandler, co-developer of Nero- Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Imperative Self-Analysis.
“I have had the privilege of knowing Art for more than 20 years. In all my interactions with him, I have found Art to be a man of integrity, intelligence, skill and heart. In addition, Art has tremendous versatility. He can address the delicate personal and emotional terrain of human emotions and at the same time stay focused on achieving practical outcomes. I am frequently called upon to make referrals for a variety of coaching and consulting request and Art is always at the very top of my list. I wholeheartedly recommend him as a trainer, coach, consultant and practitioner. Whatever the situation is, Art will be able to help!“ Robert Dilts, one of the leading developers of NLP, and author of 14 books on NLP .
“I met Art 28 years ago. We had both studied psychic and human development for many years already. Immediately we began an exciting collaboration that has grown more and more exciting. I have observed Art becoming ever more skillful, powerful and effective; synthesizing meditative disciplines from the East and the West, and even from South America, into a unique, extraordinarily helpful system. Art stays grounded and adventurous, practical and visionary; and can communicate all this information clearly and directly.” John Friedlander, Author of Psychic Psychology
“Art Giser is a fine person as well as being a truly gifted teacher and healer. We have seen and experienced the deep changes that can occur as a result of his fascinating work. He blends energy work with powerful NLP patterning about as well as it can be done. We both recommend his training and his work.” Tim Hallbom and Kris Hallbom, The NLP and Coaching Institute of California
“In September 2004, I received a phone call from my doctor. He told me they had discovered some abnormal cells in my left breast – Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS). His words chilled me to the bone. I realized that I had just been told I had breast cancer. As he spoke on, there was this voice in my head that could not be stilled. It said, “Call Art” and it said it over and over. Needless to say shortly after ending the call with my doctor, I picked up the phone and called Art Giser. I had taken a series of classes with Art in Southern California a few years before and I remembered the positive effect the course had on my life. The focus of the class combined energy work with Neuro Linguistic Programming. The class taught us to reframe beliefs, to utilize language to deal with internal and external issues, to overcome the fear and roadblocks we all create in our lives and how to move forward in a positive manner. Among Art’s talents is the ability to present course materials in a very engaging and positive way. His presentation and technique encouraged each of us to work with the tools that were being provided. An attentive individual, Art worked with his students to find ways to break down life concerns in a way that was not threatening or uncomfortable. Gently delving, he gave each of us his insights while dealing with associated issues that we were often unaware of. Although Art wasn’t home to take my call, I felt less desperate leaving the message and saying the words “breast cancer” out loud. I felt relieved. My inner voice patted me on the back and I realized later that saying the words out loud for the first time in a phone message to Art was my first step towards healing. Art called back shortly and we talked. His words were comforting and his ability to look into inner issues helped me to understand that breast cancer was not a death sentence. In a series of continuing sessions, he was able to get to the heart of what many might consider the impetus of this cancer and we were able to address the underlying causes. Art provided not only insights, but once again supplied me with tools and techniques to deal with the various concerns related to an illness of this type. Over the next few months, I underwent surgery and radiation therapy. And throughout that time, I drew on the support and the words and the techniques that Art gave me so that I could maintain a positive attitude through an extremely arduous and trying time. Friends marveled and commented about my attitude and how I refused to let the cancer and the treatments get me down. I owe Art Giser a great deal… the least of which is my sanity. An always comforting, yet firm voice, Art shook free the roots of my fears so that I could be calm in the face of adversity.” Beverly Saidel, Sydney, Australia
Just a few of the podcasts that have featured Art

Covent Garden, London

Energetic NLP program in Brazil
“Thanks for a great session. I feel enthusiastic, creative, energized, aligned in a purposeful way and open to possibilities. I’ve awakened.
Thanks Art for yet another truly inspiring session – everything you talk about seems to make so much sense and rings true even if I don’t fully understand how or why this energy stuff works. It just does – and it feels totally the right thing to be doing in my life right now. I just wish I knew how to persuade others to try it out.” xxx You are an amazing teacher and I feel so lucky to have met you! Thanks so much!” “I thought you very thorough, personable, and you kept the class focused. I also appreciate your candor in saying that all this is what you believe to be true at this moment—thus leaving the door open for others to decide for themselves. I’m looking forward to next week, and to perhaps speaking with you sometime before then. Sure do love yo I’m welcoming this experience and am grateful that you are offering it. What a wonderful contribution you are making to us in the group and to the world!” “Last night I was feeling really out of sorts – I hadn’t grounded properly for a few days and a lot has been happening in my life and my head was spinning and I felt that I wasn’t centered at all. It was so bad that I went back to basics and listened to Arts miniclasses as I felt I couldn’t just do it myself. I did the grounding and deep clearing classes. After both these classes my head, mind, and body felt transformed – I felt happier, calmer, more like myself again and was able to go off to sleep. I felt such a different person and all in the space of 20- minutes. And although I was cross with myself for letting myself get to this point without doing something sooner to help myself – in a way it showed me how very effective these practices can be – as the difference in how I felt before and after was substantial. Just learning that was fantastic. Makes you want to spread the word even more so others can benefit from all this.” “Thank you for allowing me to enter mid stream into your training. What I was able to participate in was phenomenal for me and I can see great benefit in the training. I will go back to study the things that I missed and hope that you will inform me if you give it the training again. You have a great energy that was well received by me and helped me see some things that needed to be addressed/embraced/released/blocked or blown to smith-er-ines. You helped me to identify some unknowns that had me stuck and to learn great tools to help me release those and receive the blessings God has for me. The last 3 years have taken me through adversity after adversity. Working out those anger/grief and recovery modules are not fun. However, He states that “Through suffering comes great wisdom” and I want to accept the good through being developed in a deeper fashion. Your seminar helped me gain new insights into establishing a greater access to His and my own desire for goodness and miracles. Your help to create a space for me to work that process in-between heaven and earth is a tool I will cherish. I appreciate your style in teaching and the life enlarging mentor you have been to me, even in such a short time. Tony has been that for me as well. His kindness and generosity are greatly appreciated in seeking to include me in your class, once he realized the magnitude of the growth that comes through this process. It truly does give us a staircase to climb higher. Many blessings to you both. The work you do is life enlarging. With warm respect” “You have presented us a methodology for manifesting and the anatomy of dreams — two great gifts indeed” “Thank you so much for your latest program on Manifesting dreams. I have the day off sick today because I am entirely drained and need to rest but……… I have been sitting in bed writing about a couple of things……..namely……. THANK YOU SO MUCH. I now feel that I have an exciting future ahead of me!!!!!!” “Just want to mention that I think what you offer is ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL. What you have created as a teleconference is convenient and the handouts are fabulous” “If you decide to offer the program in the future, I wonder what you think about extending it a few more sessions to allow for more time. My brain just generates ideas… how about a regular group to further support us bringing these practices into our lives and celebrate the successes together? THANK YOU!” “I’m looking forward to this. I love your work.” “Thank You once again for a GREAT CLASS! Take Care and Be Well my Friend. God Bless You for You truly are a GREAT T