Thank you for signing up!

Please bookmark this page, print out this page now so that you have the information when you need it.. And save the email!

I am very happy that you will be joining us  to Create An Amazing 2013.
I know that it will be a wonderful experience for you, and that your presence and bezecke topanky massage pistol blutuszos mennyezeti lámpa strømper str 42 bezecke topanky
will really add to the experience for all of us.

  1. Please bookmark and print out this page now so that you have the information when you need it. And note you wil lneed the password:
  2. Please bookmark this page so that you can return to it!!
  3. Some spam checkers will hold totally legitimate emails, especially if they were part of a “broadcast” to a number of people. To make sure you receive emails with important information and materials for the program whitelist emails from: (this is the email address to use to reach me)
  4. If you haven’t signed up and listened to the no cost Energetic NLP audios and videos please consider doing that now. There are two sets of them at 2 different websites. They will be of  tremendous help in creating an Amazing 2012. If you listen to them before the teleworkshop, you will be able to create much more in the session. If you listen to them after the session, it will add to what you accomplished.
    1. and sign up.
    2. and sign up for those videos and audios too!

You can listen to the replay,  using the webcast player below:


The call will be recorded, and you will be able to have the download of the recording within 12 days.

Here were a few of the spontaneous messages I received from participants:

Just a lovely call, thank you so much. Just what I needed this evening; all the best.

Thank you Art! I feel fantastic. Early on the circle of stars created an intense white light. Felt a wash of power for 2012 …. Working to embrace the potential! Thanks again.

Thank you Art…the processes were wonderful!

Thanks so much, Art. Truly amazing call.

great call Art, thank you.

Since getting on the call, the healing and tingling is fantastic! Especially after an incredibly challenging holiday with one family member … Woohoo!

bring on a Rocking 2012 xx

Christine – 
I feel there’s a lovely cellular buzzing going on

Thank you, Art. I love working with you.

Fred – 
hi Art, feel amazing streams of light coming in… great to visualize radiant beings in the golden ball!

Many Thanks,

Things and events exist energetically before they exist physically. This is the principle underlying the law of attraction (as written about in the book The Secret, the Abraham books, and in many other energy books). Creation starts on energetic planes, and then moves to physical reality. By working on the of 2012at the beginning of the year, you increase the likelihood that you will have an abundant, loving, successful, and joyful 2012.

In this packed 80 minute teleworkshop you will clear the beliefs, programming, and energies that limit your happiness in 2011. We will then use energies to help make your dreams come true in 2012.

It is difficult not to get caught up in the fear, scarcity, and lack of appreciation for what we do have that is rampant in much of the world today.

A special bonus: I will be in Brazil, at a wonderful healing and spiritual center, where there is a great deal of openness to miracles. People there call it being in “the bubble”. We will use that opening to miracle energies to help you bring miracle energies into your 2012.

In this session you will:

  • Separate out from the energies of the current world economic crises, and other energies of scarcity and fear.
  • Connect with your hearts desires.
  • Clear other people’s energy and programming out of your goals.
  • Align your goals with your hearts desires.
  • Align the desires of your conscious mind, unconscious mind, body, soul and spirit to create a collaborative life age.
  • Start from a place of gratitude and appreciation for the positive things in life.
  • Clear unconscious programming and energies that might make 2012 a difficult year for you.
  • Increase your “havingness” that is your ability to let yourself receive abundance, success, love, and joy in 2012(people have energetic and unconscious blocks that limit what we will let ourselves receive)
  • Energetically set up 2012as a great year for you where you manifest more of what you truly want in life.
  • Use universal and earth energies to manifest your life agenda
  • Attract more love, health, and abundance into your life.
  • Help promote peace and collaboration in the world in 2012.
  • Open to more synchronicity and miracles in 2012.

I can’t think of a better way to start out the New Year, then joining with a wonderful, energetically powerful, and spiritual group of people to use our combined energy, to enable all of us have an amazing 2012!

I am very happy that you will be joining us to Create An Amazing 2011.
I know that it will be a wonderful experience for you, and that your presence and participation
will really add to the experience for all of us.


  2. Some spam checkers will hold totally legitimate emails, especially if they were part of a “broadcast” to a number of people. To make sure you receive emails with important information and materials for the program whitelist emails from: (this is the email address to use to reach me)
  3. If you haven’t signed up and listened to the no cost Energetic NLP audios and videos please go to
  4. There are two sets of them at 2 different websites. They will be of tremendous help in creating an
    Amazing 2011. If you listen to them before the teleworkshop, you will be able to create much more in the
    session. If you listen to them after the session, it will add to what you accomplished.
    1. and sign up.
    2. and sign up for those videos and audios too!

Use Energetic NLP to Create an Amazing 2011
Time:Sunday, January 9th at 10:00am Pacific/ 1 pm ET/ 4pm Brazil/ 5pm UK/ 6pm Europe/ 7pm Middle East
You can double check your local time (compared to 10am Pacific Time (California)) at
Participate on the telephone or over the Internet

To attend, visit:
Event password:Create

Its even better to call in, then you can ask questions.
Phone Number and PinPhone Number:
Country code 1 (415) 671-4335
Pin Code:764718#

If you are calling from the UK, if you dial O844 861 2828 , and then 001415 671 4335, it costs you only a few pence additional charge per minute to call the USA.

The call will be recorded.

Many Thanks,

For Free Instant Access to Powerful Guided Energetic NLP Videos, Audios, and Teleworkshops sign up here!

Thank you for signing up!

Please bookmark this page (and save this message) so you can use these processes anytime that you want!